
I know I'm late..

But here are some pictures from Xmas eve and yesterday! Hehe.


I swear my boobs need to take a chill pill on Xmas man. Hahahaha.

EPIC! Vaguely remember someone passing us some drinks which tasted super horrible and YUPS.......... HAHAHAHAHA! What's up man my face.

New Year's Eve!!

Honestly, my new year's eve was damn bad? I have no idea why I was so fucking emo yesterday? I actually cried in the cab on the way to the party. Hahaha. My brains got problem. The first person I saw when I reached was Fendi and he was like what the fuck is wrong with your eyes.. then I started crying -_- Hahahahahaha!! And my eyes ah, seriously. Been like almost a week? Can anyone tell me what's wrong? There's totally no pain, no itch no nothing. Just really really red. Haven't worn my specs out for almost 3 years.....

Don't slash me please. I did not draw this. PEACE ^^V

Botak! So cute uh!

Awww Cheryl bb! <3

Some VS fashion show! FAIL.

Hope you had a good one!

And nope, no new year's resolution. I'm pretty glad 2011 is here. 2010 is by far the worse year EVER. E.V.E.R. So much things happened. So much drama.

I really hope 2011 would be better. For me, and for all of you.

Happy New Year! Pull your fucking ears.